1. Are you settling for something?
I guess so. I'm such a traditionalist and we have had to change our Thanksgiving traditions. We always had Thanksgiving dinner with my parents and as they grew older and passed on to heaven, I started cooking my own dinner for our family in the tradition of my Mom and Dad. My ideal Thanksgiving Day has me cooking a big bird starting early in the morning so we can have dinner with the family in the afternoon. The more the merrier, so bring on the in-laws! However, my own children are now married and attempting to have traditions of their own and even nieces and nephews are getting married and moving away or going to college in a faraway state. So the big dinner here at our house has been reduced and I just have to get over it! We are settling for as much family time as we can squeak in on this holiday. I'm so very thankful that all 3 live within 40 miles of each other and at one point all will be here for either "Dad's Holiday Hash" (our new tradition) for breakfast or "Mom's Turkey and Trimmings" for dinner.
2. It wasn't that long ago almost every store in the US locked doors and turned out lights on Thanksgiving Day. This year many will be open all day Thursday, giving shoppers a jump start on 'Black Friday'. In your opinion is this a good thing or a not so good thing? Will you be shopping on Thanksgiving Day?
In my opinion, I believe this is a bad thing. The one day a year that is supposed to be set aside to give thanks for all that we are blessed with; to be spent either with family or friends and we have slapped it across the face with consumerism/commercialism. No, I will not be shopping on Thanksgiving Day.
3. Speaking of shopping... I saw a recent article on the twelve best shopping cities in the world. In order they are-
New York, Tokyo, London, Kuala Lumpur, Paris, Hong Kong, Buenos Aires, Vienna, Dubai, Madrid, Milan, and Seoul.
Ever shopped in any of the cities listed? In which city would you most like to pull out the plastic or cold hard cash?
I've shopped in New York because we lived there for several years and if I had the cold, hard cash to back up my plastic, I'd like to shop there again! I'd also like to try shopping in Tokyo, London, Kuala Lumpur, Paris, Hong Kong, Buenos Aires, Vienna, Dubai, Madrid, Milan and Seoul :-)
4. When did you last dine by candlelight?
Uh... probably when we were without power; 10 years ago comes to mind. Oh, wait a minute...one night this past summer, the waitress lit a candle on our table when we dined at Jay's Lakeside! I think it may have been our anniversary, too!
5. What do you have too much of?
Weight. Enough said.
6. The Hunger Games...are you a fan? Did you read the book(s)? Will you/have you seen the movie? Will you/have you seen Catching Fire? No spoilers please!
Haven't seen "Hunger Games" and not sure if I am interested or not. We are not movie goers unless it's a mutual "Need to See" movie. I've only heard about that one and also "Catching Fire." We'd rather spend our money at a restaurant!
7. Share your plans for Thanksgiving Day. The who, the where, the what...especially the what! As in what's for dinner? If you're one of my International visitors, whose homeland doesn't celebrate American Thanksgiving (the whole world doesn't ya know!), then still tell us your plans for Thursday.
Home. Possibly watching bits and pieces of Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. "Dad's Holiday Hash" in the morning with two sons and their families. This is a combo of kielbasa, eggs, potatoes (onions, peppers), cheddar cheese; dishes of fresh fruit, too. The "kids" will bring something to share. That evening, our third son and his wife will come for dinner: Turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, gravy, creamed onions, beets, broccoli, butternut squash, rolls, pumpkin pie with whipped cream. Then someone (not me) will fall asleep on the couch! LOL!!!! It's a tradition! No football.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I'm going to whine. So much media hype over less than 2 inches of snow! I can't stand it! The forecast was calling for rising temps and snow changing to rain with very little ice accumulation expected but they went on and on and on and on... Now, I understand it was scheduled to arrive the evening before the biggest travel day of the year and no doubt, there were going to be delays at airports, but PLEASE...the rest of the country and even those of us who live through it do not need to hear it over and over and over! By the time, February comes NO ONE including the media, will care about 2 inches of snow that turns to slush. End of whining. That said, I loved our snowfall! It brightened up our end of autumn drab colors and even the slush does not bother me. Since there is very little frost in the ground, it will slowly melt into the bringing up the levels in our wells and not just run off causing flooding. I took a picture of our back yard Christmas tree farm but am having trouble uploading it so here's a similar one from a few years ago: