1. Share one thing that really makes your day.
One thing... ? Hmmm... I'm thinking it changes from day to day, season to season. Honestly, I love waking up to a snow storm :-)
2. Lots of these kinds of lists out there, but one found here says the fifteen most colorful places on earth are:
Vernazza, Cinque Terre, Italy~Burano, Italy~Havana, Cuba~Rio de Janiero, Brazil~Chefchaouen, Morocco~Balat, Istanbul, Turkey~Menton, France~Jodhpur, India~La Baca, Buenos Aires, Argentina~Guanajuato, Mexico~Capetown, South Africa~Valparaiso, Chile~Wroclaw, Poland~San Francisco, California~and Pelourhino, Salvador, Brazil.
Of those listed which would you most like to see up close and in person? Of all the places you've seen or traveled in your own life, what would you say was one of the most colorful?
I guess, maybe Buenos Aires, Argentina. I speak a little Spanish and would want to mix with the the locals a little bit. I'm not the "tourist" type. Autumn anywhere where trees change color. Home may be the best of all!
3."Everything you want is on the other side of fear." Jack Canfield In general, would you agree or disagree with that statement? Why?
Perhaps I don't understand what he means. Fear can mean "being afraid" or "respect."
I'm actually afraid of very little: spiders, stinging insects, lightning, bad wind storms, speeding vehicles of all kinds, and pain. So, what IS on the other side of spiders? I'm clueless.
4. Imagine you're stranded on a desert island and dessert appears...what do you hope it is? Do you ever struggle to remember which spelling is desert and which is dessert?
I have not had trouble spelling dessert or desert since I was in junior high school when someone said, "Think of the two "s's" as something to eat... so, In the desert, you WISH had two desserts." So, if I was on a desert island (as in "deserted") I would like chocolate with no coconut ... or pineapple...
5. What song almost always makes you cry?
There are a few hymns that move me to tears. An old one is: "Because He Lives."
6. January is National Soup Month. Everything from soup to nuts, in the soup,thick as pea soup, souped up...which saying most recently applies to your life in some way? Explain.
Oh, I don't know... you mentioned soup and I immediately thought of .. .SOUP! Thick as pea soup could describe the fog we had here several days running. We're supposed to be having snow!
7. Write a two word note to your younger self. What does it say?
"Smaller portions."
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I love inserting pictures here. Today is no exception! This is our New Year's Dinner with the whole family; a rare event!