1. What does/did Halloween look like at your house this year? Did you decorate? Pick pumpkins? Carve pumpkins? Expect trick or treaters? Wear a costume to a party or event? Make a costume? Feel glad you didn't have to come up with a costume? Cook a Halloween themed treat? Eat all the leftover candy?
I'm not big on Halloween. It's origin, as I understand it, is anything but Christian so we keep it simple. I do participate in Trunk or Treat by decorating my trunk this year with a "Frozen" theme. Not the Disney movie, but my own called, "Not Quite Frozen" with snowshoes, skis, and a cooler with pretend snowballs that kids have to dig through to find candy. I've done this for 3 years. We also hand out tracts for kids from our church. It is a nice way to interact with the kids in the church's neighborhood. We have no kids in our neighborhood at home. None. The "just in case" candy disappears over the following week...
2. What are you waiting for? Elaborate.
Waiting for... Snow. It'll come. It always does; some years more so than others. ;-)
3. Do you wish you were friendlier, braver, more creative, more athletic, or something else? Explain.
Hmmm... maybe more creative. I can "do" things but I have to follow someone else's lead. I also wish I was thinner. Let's stop there, since the leftover candy is sitting on the coffee table...
4. When it comes time to paint are you a do-it-yourselfer or do you hire someone? What was the last paint job completed at your house? What room most needs painting now? How do you feel about wallpaper?
We hate painting. I didn't mind wallpaper but it' is so limiting when it comes to decorating. But then, I don't decorate on my own and can't afford to hire someone, so ... *sigh* The last paint job completed here was when we had to rebuild because of burst pipes. It all needs to be repainted as it has been over 10 years.
5. What is one specific thing you felt gratitude for in the month of October?
We love being retired (semi) and are able to travel when we want. October is our month to spend time with our Game Warden friends from all over the country. For years my husband corresponded with them and now we get to go to the once a year encampment! We love doing this. We pray for each other, have devotions together, cook and eat together. There's target shooting and several of the men who craft their own rifles with beautiful stock work get to share their work. .
6. Insert your own random thought here.
Something else I am grateful for during the month of October!