Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wednesday Hodgepodge Once Again

1. My real life friends came through with another question this week so thank you real life friends. When you've eaten in a restaurant do you complete their comment card? Do you take online surveys highlighted at the bottom of store receipts? 

I will fill out survey cards at restaurants, but not the "online" surveys. I get too much junk e mail as it is! If I am contacted via e-mail for a survey (motel, purchase, etc) I may or may not respond.  
2. The (US) ban on women in combat was lifted at the end of January. It will probably be next year before specifics are worked out, but its been reported over 200,000 front line positions will eventually open up to women.  Your thoughts? 

I don't believe women belong in combat.  

3.  In looking back at all the blog posts you've written, what's your favorite posttitle

I'd have to actually look back ... probably one of my poems.  I'll leave that to my readers!  Just check the side bar for "poetry" and it should bring them all up!
4. What's worse-overly permissive parents or overly protective parents?  Did your own parents lean more to the permissive or the protective category?  If you're a parent where do you fall? 

Well, this is a hard call!  I'm going to go with overly permissive parents being worse. Their children tend to get  into more trouble at an earlier age than others. Children of permissive parents often expect other people to be permissive as well and this does NOT go over well at school! These children also tend to be spoiled and spoiled children have a hard time making good friends. Overly protective parents end up with rebellious children, but I think it's easier for them since they get a reprieve at school for 6 or 7 hours a day!  My dad was permissive, but my Mom was not. Therefore, I needed to ask my mom for permission for everything! What made it ok for me, was that I was not a demanding/rebellious child and was content most of the time :-)  ...MOST of the time!

5.  Candlelight-moonlight-firelight-bright lights in the big city...which one's your favorite? 

Ahhhh... decisions, decisions...    I'm leaning towards firelight.  We don't have a fireplace, but we do have bonfires several times a year.  I LOVE to sit out by the fire with or without my marshmallow stick, Hershey Bars and Graham Crackers!  I also love candlelight, but my husband is allergic to most fragrances so we use them only on occasion.  Moonlight in the winter is pretty cool, though ... we've taken winter walks in the moonlight! Bright city lights are pretty, but we can't usually afford the theatre, dinner, etc that goes along with them.

6. Dr. Seuss's birthday was celebrated on Saturday. What's a favorite book you remember (Seuss or otherwise) from your own childhood?  Did books play an important role in your growing up years? Explain. 

I love books. Sometimes as a teenager, I felt they were my only friends. I loved reading about horses, nurses, mysteries (but not scary things).  Besides my Bible (with pictures), the very first books I remember were, MIss Frances' (Ding Dong School) about a birthday cake;  and a Little Golden Book, called , "Out of My Window"   ...  From memory, the last verse of that book is: 

 "Out of my window, I can see 
the sunset as the sun goes down, 
the lights come on all over town 
and my Daddy coming home to me. 
That's what I see from my Window."

It's making me smile all over again...  :-) 

7.  To quote Dr. Seuss...

"From there to here, and here to there, funny things are everywhere." 
from One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish

Share something funny you've recently read, seen or heard.  

I work with little kids mostly, and they are a never ending source of funny comments.  Just today as I was tying a little boy's sneaker, he asked, "Did you take a shower this morning?"   LOL!!!!   I asked him why he asked and he smiled and said, "Because your hair still smells like shampoo!"    Love those kids!

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

I probably won't be doing Wednesday Hodge Podge next week because we are going on vacation :-)   We go every winter... here's a sneak peek!  


bp said...

Kids say such cute things! That's funny he noticed :)

Nice to read your answers. Pretty snow picture as your header.


Peggy said...

Thanks, Bethany! We've been protected from snow this year ... all around us but we've had very little. I miss it. Really! Two years in a row with very little snow!

Found my "Little Golden Book" on Amazon:

Don't think I'll be replacing it any time soon! Good thing I still have what's left of my original!

Peggy said...

Wow. I had a lot of exclamation points in my last comment. I'm sorry. I won't do that any more.

Joyce said...

We got a foot of snow today so I'm slightly jealous of your upcoming holiday. Enjoy!