1. Picture postcards were first printed back in the mid-1800's and deltiology is the official name for postcard collecting. When did you last send a postcard? Receive one? Do you save postcards sent to you? Do you collect and/or send postcards when you travel?
Last send a postcard? Oooohhh.... I can't remember! It was probably from Maine, many years ago. The last post card was probably from my sister-in-law when they were visiting family out west. She was big into post cards when the rest of us were discovering instant photos on Facebook! I sort of collect them ... as in I never throw anything out :-)
2. What treat do you most like to indulge in while on vacation?
Definitely eating out! We plan our meals and restaurants carefully and enjoy every last morsel!
3. Are you good at hiding your feelings?
Mostly more than less ... it depends on how tired I am.
4. Does your town/city/county still deliver telephone books to your home? Do you check the yellow pages when searching for a local business number or has the internet replaced the phone book in your home?
Why, yes! Just had our yellow pages delivered a few weeks ago. If the computer is on, I use the internet, otherwise I'll flip the pages.
5. Would you rather be first or last?
Depends on what is going on.... I'm not terribly competitive. For interviews, definitely neither!
6. July is National Park and Recreation Month (in America, but everyone can still play along)...where and when were you last in a park? Did you participate in any recreational activities while you were there?
Ahhh!! Acadia National Park on Mt. Desert Island in Maine! We walked and took lots of pictures. We have biked the carriage roads on previous visits. We have also taken in sunrise on Cadillac Mountain... where the sun first rises on the east coast of the United States!
7. What was one of your worst ideas?
Let me think. I guess, continuing to ski when I knew I had hurt my knee in a fall while x country skiing. It felt "funny" but didn't really hurt. ....til later.
8. Insert your own random thought here:
Near "Thunder Hole" (which really does 'thunder' at the right time of tide) in Acadia National Park
We stopped skiing the year my DH hurt his knee. Acadia Park was beautiful. I don't think I knew that about the thundering sound.
The very first time we were at Thunder Hole in Acadia National Park, we heard a BOOM while still in the parking lot. Our kids bolted for the stairs leading down to the viewing area! We've never heard it quite that loud, since but it is still impressive to watch and listen to.
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