1. What does retirement mean to you? Are you planning for it, not thinking about it, looking forward to it, or dreading it?
Retirement means I have the time to do the things I want to do, mostly when I want to do them; like substitute teaching so I can afford to volunteer... and take those beach vacations!
2. It's International Guitar Month...do you play? Does anyone in your family play? What's a song you especially like to hear played on the guitar or a favorite song featuring the guitar?
I don't play but my husband does as does our youngest son and his wife. Wow... so many songs. I love to hear my husband play... any and all love songs!
3. What's your comfort food?
I have several. In the winter, I LOVE pancakes with real maple syrup. Any time of year, I love rice with butter, salt and pepper. I crave cinnamon toast, too. But probably to curl up on the couch with a bowl of buttered (real) and salted popcorn fresh from the popper would be "it."
4. What's one activity or area of your life where you absolutely never procrastinate?
Never procrastinate? I always procrastinate to some degree! I suppose going to the bathroom first thing in the morning... I know, TMI.
5. Who does the grocery shopping in your house? Does your local store bag the groceries for you or is it a do-it-yourself kind of place? Do you like someone packing your groceries?
Mostly, I do the shopping. I go to two different stores on a regular basis. One bags, the other doesn't. I don't care who bags my groceries as long as I can get in, find what I'm looking for and get out. I dislike standing in line.
6. What's the coolest thing you've seen in nature?
Wow... I never have my camera when I need it. Having parrots fly past my head while on a mission trip to Venezuela years ago was pretty cool! Colorful, too. Double rainbows always fascinate me. A monkey monkeying around in a tree outside our room while in Costa Rica was amusing - had the camera, but it was not close enough for a picture :-( However, I think the birth of our kittens tops them all!
7. Share a favorite quote about home.
A little long and I know it's really a song, but it does belong to Steve Green and so, I quote him: "Here we are at the start; committed to each other by His Word and from our hearts. We will be a family in a house that will be a HOME; and with faith, we'll build it strong. We'll build a household of faith, that together we canl make and when the strong winds blow it won't fall down. As one in Him we'll grow, and the whole world will know we are a household of faith."
8. Insert your own random thought here.
From 4 years ago: It rained every day on our trip to Costa Rica but we had a wonderful time both at the conference and at a beach resort!