Saturday, December 11, 2010

"We're Havin' a Heat Wave ... a Tropical (well, not really....) Heat Wave"

Here me singing? I think Bing Crosby sang this ... It was a balmy 35 degrees here today which so SO much better than the 3 degrees I had yesterday morning!

I finally finished my outdoor decorating tonight ... I've been sidelined by a cold/layrngitis and with temps in the teens, decided the decorations could wait! I'm hoping for a little snow to brighten the lawn and then I'll take pictures.

An absolutely delicious Christmas Party tonight at the home of some friends from church. Everyone brings a dish to pass and there is always such an assortment of good things to eat. We brought Wasabi Peas ... pretty enough with red, green and white. Had a label made so no one just popped a few and got surprised :-) They were a hit with those who like hot/spicy/horseradish type things.

Did not get anything accomplished today ... overslept to begin with but Bill got up early to go hunting with a friend back in his hometown. We'll be eating venison this winter ... I can taste the steaks and gravy already!

Busy tomorrow with Church, Sunday School, birthday party for a little boy and then our choir will perform at the nursing home. We then go back to church for our play practice and then the evening service. Tired, already!

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