1. It was decided on Sunday the Denver Broncos will meet the Seattle Seahawks in this year's Superbowl. So when was the last time you bowled? Not where you thought this question was going is it? Do you like to bowl? Are you any good?
I think it was in 2006 and I wasn't very good, but the kids in our "Winter Camp" youth group found me... entertaining...
2. Should sports stars be role models? A repeat question from some time ago and YES, sports stars should be and in fact, ARE role models.
Some of them are very good ones, and some are extremely bad :-(
3. January is National Oatmeal month...are you a fan? How do you like your oats?
Oats can be cooked and eaten with brown sugar; mixed into cookie dough and baked; mixed in with hamburg, egg, onion and tomato soup for meatloaf! Mmmmm!
4. What is one book on your reading list for 2014?
Only one so far, and it comes out in February: Saloma Furlong Miller's 2nd book, "Bonnet Strings" and here's her blog: http://aboutamish.blogspot.com/ Her first book was very interesting; growing up Amish and making a break for personal freedom which included higher education. So refreshing to read of a "real" Amish girl who tells it like it was and probably still is for most - caught in the middle of their church's rules and regulations.
5. What would you like your future self to say to your present self?
Keep it up! Pass it on! Well done!
6. When scrolling through the TV guide, what is one movie title that makes you want to stop, grab the popcorn, and watch for a while?
I watch very few movies but at Christmastime, it could be "Holiday Inn" or "Miracle on 34th Street" as I don't have them on VHS or DVD.
7. What are two style trends you hope never come back into fashion?
Easy! Bell Bottoms and Stirrup Pants and lets add Leisure Suits for good measure!!
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Two bird feeders were covered with Goldfinches! Made me think a big storm was coming but it didn't; no clue why they converged like that, but I'm glad the feeders were full.
Stopping over from Wednesday Hodgepodge. Love the bird feeder full of finches. I hope to put out some kind of bird feeder this spring. Or, at least plant some sunflowers in the back yard--cardinals and blue jays love them.
We used to get lots of goldfinches in our back yard, but I had to take the bird feeder down. The friendly neighborhood bear got a little too attached to it : )
Just before I put the feeders back out, we had 5 blue jays on the deck railing and haven't seen them since :-( Bear live in the woods behind the tree farm, but we have not seen any in the back yard; so far so good! I wouldn't mind seeing one, but really don't want it having breakfast on my picnic table! (not quite visible in my blog wall paper picture) :-)
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