1. Speaking of 180...when was the last time you 'did a 180' on something?
Literally: Well, Walmart moved from their "old" place to their "new" place now making me turn left at the end of my driveway instead of my usual right - except I've turned right just a few times, necessitating a 180 at the intersection up the road ...
Figuratively... I can't remember!
2. It's Independence Week in the US of A! What's your favorite thing about America right this very minute? Favorites only! Let's hear what you love about America.
Freedoms many other countries do not enjoy; seeing the ocean, plain, and mountain in the same day; Family Dairy Farms - especially early cornfields (before they tassel) in the morning when the dew is still clinging to the leaves of the stalks - it shimmers and catches my eye each time!
If you're playing along today, and you're not an American but have been to America, what do/did you like best about this country? If you've never been to America, do you have any desire to visit? What's the number one thing you'd like to see?
3. Stars or stripes? Red, white, or blue? Watermelon, homemade vanilla ice cream, or blueberry pie?
Stars; Blue; Definitely homemade vanilla ice cream - with chocolate syrup and whipped cream :-)
4. When did you last see stars, figuratively speaking?
It was probably last summer when I had my sun glasses on top of my head and when I tried to get into the car, drove those things right into the top of my head - hurt for days
5. 'Clear as a bell', 'with bells on', 'lots of bells and whistles', 'saved by the bell'...which phrase 'rings' truest for you lately? Have you ever seen The Liberty Bell?
I have never seen the Liberty Bell. My decision to apply for Social Security at age 62 instead of 65 was 'clear as a bell' and I can't wait to see that first check in August! (I still work part-time and volunteer all summer but I don't HAVE to if I don't want to...but I want to!)
6. Are you caught up in World Cup fever? Have you watched a lot or a little or none at all?
I've only seen a few highlights here and there. I'm not a soccer fan.
7. Bid farewell to June in 10 words or less.
"You were lovely but too short. See you next year!"
8. Insert your own random thought here.
My husband and I celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary on June 29th with a quick getaway to Chincoteague Island, VA - it was awesome and way too short! Here is a picture of my anniversary "card" at sunrise at Assateague National Seashore :-) It says H A P P for Happy Anniversary Peggy Pitcher.
1 comment:
I love your sand card! Happy Anniversary to you and your hubs!
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