1. July is National Anti-Boredom Month. When was the last time you were bored? What's your go-to cure for boredom?
Tough one - I don't think I'm ever bored. Maybe sitting in the car waiting for someone... I most always have a book to read.
2. What's the last thing you made a reservation for?
Dinner but I can't remember where. I also remember NOT making reservations and not being able to eat in the restaurant of our choice while on vacation :-( Good news, though; 2nd choice place was delicious! No, wait! I made reservations for the B & B and hotel for the item in my Bucket List (#3) !
3. What's one thing on your summer 'bucket list'? Any plans to make it happen?
Taking our oldest granddaughter to Maine! I've wanted the whole family to join us but we've never been able to do that so this is our treat for her birthday :-)
4. What's your favorite summertime sip?
Chocolate milkshake! But on a daily basis, I'l drink just plain water.
5. What do you find is the best way to handle another person's hostility and hopefully ease the tension?
If it doesn't involve me, I'll walk away. If it involves me, I'll just listen and won't give advice unless I'm asked.
6. Your favorite film set in summer?
Goodbye Miss 4th of July - a Disney for TV movie that may be on DVD -based on a true story about a Greek family coming to live here to avoid the fighting in Greece and the challenges they face being "foreigners" in the south and how their daughter seeks to help those who have become sick during an influenza epidemic.
7. What word are you using too much lately?
One word? Maybe the word "ache" because something usually does every morning when I wake up.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Ooooh! I love these random thoughts! It's where I never get political but usually post a picture so here goes:
This is sweaty 'me' and my garden near the end of June - as you can see, the corn was already knee high and it wasn't even the 4th of July! It was looking really good and had doubled in size by this past Monday, then the hail and wind hit --- though the corn had not yet tasseled and tomatoes, beans and peas had not yet set on and everything else grows underground, the leaves were shredded so, for memory's sake, we'll just stick with this picture!
I've never seen that movie, so will have to look for it. The weather has been a little wacky here lately too...tornado warnings earlier this week, and we typically don't get tornadoes. Hope you had lots of survivors in your garden!
Peggy, the view behind you in the picture is so pretty. What a sight to behold every morning. The garden is so healthy and green. I can only imagine how sweet that fresh corn will be soon.
I can also identify with the morning aches. Oh, but the life of a retired senior adult is so much fun even with all the creaks and snaps.
A vacation in Maine sounds like a wonderful thing. We went through there several years ago and it was just like the Robert McClosky books showed it. I want a cottage on the ocean. lol
Attempting to update with a computer that does not cooperate anymore. Missing etters on the eyboard hahaha! See? I can't even grin or frown using characters or type out the words to indicate my thought that something is funny. Time for a new computer!
However, I did want to confirm with you that the sweet corn is superb and so was our trip to Maine with our granddaughter!
Than you (gracias!) for commenting on my post and I hope to update a bit more as time and computer permit - right now, it's bugging me to no end as I am missing my bacspace and no ess than 3 eys. You can guess which ones! -) '
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