Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thankfulness (cont'd, still)

My thoughts on thankfulness continues with friendship and all we share with each other. Joys and triumphs. Saddness and sorrows. Sometimes your friends are closer than family and that's not a bad thing, really! Here are a few ideas on friendship:

1. Never gossip about your friends. EVER.
2. Walk away when someone else starts to gossip .. about anybody! You can let them know why you walked away, later.
3. Make lots of friends ...younger ones, so that when you get older, you won't be the one saying "Goodbye."
4. Pray for them, often. Don't wait to be asked .. you already know most of their needs, anyway.
5. Call them if you haven't seen them in awhile ... keep in touch via phone, mail, email and social networks. There's really no excuse.
6. Send them Christmas cards. They aren't expensive and it is still fun to get stuff in the mail addressed personally.
7. It's ok to be friends with your adult kids, but let them have their own friends. You can be friendly with them but from a distance. The reverse is also true.
8. Friendship is cultivated ... like a flower garden. Friendships don't grow over night. Acquaintances, do; friends do not.
9. Some friends can be dropped in on; some friends can't. Be a good friend and figure this out.
10. Don't be afraid to say "No" to a friend. If you are too busy, too tired, too 'whatever', your friend will understand. If they don't, then perhaps they are only an acquaintance.

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